Change For The Better


Thursday, March 4, 2010

"I'm All I Got"

In life, sometimes things that one says can be taking in the wrong way. Life is full with mistakes and trying to be perfect, what about sometimes turning imperfect into perfect. Life struggles come day in and day out but never know that you have to go through them alone. The hardest thing in life has to be having to look yourself in the face day in and day out and say “I’m all I got”.

“Everybody has that one special person for them”

I learned through my life that all I got is me. Like the song say

“Sometimes I look up at the sky and analyze the STARS, and ask myself was I meant to be here. Why?”

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I know the struggles I been thru has always been something that always made me stronger, but I could never let go because I always knew I would over come. Seem like the better I got or the better my situations got the more problems came on my shoulders. My shoulders feel like I'll never take another step. My legs felt like they was to wack to make another step. My heart felt like it was in enough pain to even show you I like you. All I know it that with you I can make it thru. It's like you complete me, you hold the key to my heart, mind, body, and soul. Wish I could have you closer everyday but seem like you so far away. I just need you to help me thru on this lonely road.....


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Positive Get You Where You Need To Be

Master mind is a tool of technique that I use to overpower the weak thoughts I have in my head. From the negativity til the I don't want and can't take it no more. On this journey of life I have learned a lot from I did my worst and my best. I have seen the most and the less. I have shot fireworks and I have drown a little. I have rode a wave from the time it hit me in my face from jumping til the time it dead out on shore. I have looked out upon the deep waves til the water and sky seem like it met but nothing has challenge me more than the test and obstacles that God has put before me. I have fought the fight that has kept me from going beat down. I have jump the hurdles that has block me from the finish line. I have ran thru the sand that had me buried me deeply. The train has followed me but my faith has carried me. My mind had forsake me but my strength in God's name as kept me motivated. My family has always lifted me so, my dreams could never be destroyed. My legs has been hurt but my heart was always right on topic. Although I had been defeated, I will always be undefeated.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

“Smiling on the outside but crying in the inside”

It’s a saying I have used a lot since the lost of my baby brother and baby sister. Well, now it’s time to get down to the meaning and the break down so I don’t have to answer the question when somebody asks me what it means. Stay tuned, I want to keep new reader interested in my writing and my old reader more interested than the first time I wrote.

Let’s break it down in section. Starting with “SMILING ON THE OUTSIDE”, most people have a lot of problems but instead of talking them out or even writing it down they keep them balled up inside. So, they smile no matter what they do or even do on a daily trip cause they feel like the pain don’t need to be seen while they are doing their daily duty: work, activities, etc.

Let’s break down “CRYING IN THE INSIDE”, this don’t come out until you have hit the shower or even in the bed alone. Where nobody can hear anything and you can let every tear drop or let the shower run down your face so it won’t be known that there are tears there.

Let’s take the “BUT”, when you think of the word “but” you just use it as another word such as the, because, or, nor, neither, either, etc. but what you don’t know is that but change the whole meaning to anything used before and after it. For example, “I was going to the party BUT I had to do some work”. See how BUT change the whole mood. In this situation BUT is like the mix emotions that you get when you want to be more than just a friend.

I’m concluded it like this although you want to hide the pain that you are feeling at the time, when it’s all time to let go of the pain and all it will come out. It might not always be tears or a cry but it’s going to be in a way that hurt the worst. What I want you to take from this blog is that the pain will hurt and that you always have to have someone that you can come to when the times get hard or even don’t feel like it’s a even ground that you are playing on.

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Miracle

How many of us need or want a MIRACLE? How many of us want a MIRACLE right now? But who do we give the credit when we do reach one?

Although we don't deserve a lot that we get, God still take care of us because the type of person he is. God do things to wake us up and to help us to realize that he is the reason of the season and that he do everything. So, when you fall on your face, do you get up and tell God thanks or do you turn on him and go back to your old ways. God want you to understand that turning on him is not going to help your situation. All you doing is pushing yourself away from him which he don't want. Going thru things and fallen on your face build faith and character. God wants to know when you down to your worst will you turn on him or trust that he will do what he said. If we want the MIRACLE we have to get out of the boat and go to a zone that's very uncomfortable and let God handle whatever we going thru.

This writing was inspired by 21:03 song called "Now" on their album called Total Attention.

Time For A Change - This title, writing, and all is inspired by my brother of the wonderful group 21:03.

We always talked about changed in our life and in our everyday walked but how many of us really had faith in changing. Martin Luther King Jr. had the vision from the beginning with his "I Have a Dream" speech. Everybody laughed or agreed with him cause he was a color person speaking what the blacks always want or what the whites didn't want to hear. Why do we have to have somebody else to think for us?

From Martin Luther King Jr. the rain of risen was put on somebody else that help us go thru the fire to free our blacks. Rosa Parks inspired women a lot more than anybody. Like Parks going to jail for not sitting on the back of the bus. She sit there to let somebody like us know that we can all have a better chance and just not listen to Martin Luther King Jr. but that we can also act as he spoke about. So, why don't we step out on faith to make a difference or to encourage the next person?

From Martin Luther King Jr. to Rosa Parks to Barack Obama the change has come. Our First Black President is all you got to say. We change the vision of towns, counties, states, countries, the world, the earth, the space, and the atmosphere. We should tell you that anything can be down if you just try. So, encourage the little ones to be more than what they see on BET, and reach for the impossible cause nothing is impossible. So, why don't you encourage and make sure that the next generation will make it?

As you readed along the blog there was questions at end of each section. First, being WHY DO WE HAVE TO HAVE SOMEBODY ELSE TO THINK FOR US? Second, being WHY DON'T WE STEP OUT ON FAITH TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE OR TO ENCOURAGE THE NEXT PERSON? Lastly, being WHY DON'T YOU ENCOURAGE AND MAKE SURE THAT THE NEXT GENERATION WILL MAKE IT? I will answer in my point of view and of those that have talked about the same topics.

Because we feel like if we come up with something and speak out on it to somebody that we will get laughed at and make you feel less than you are. But there is a God and he has put each person here on earth to make a mark on earth because he has set your passage it's all about if you going to follow his path and have faith. Leave you with this SET YOUR MIND, HEART, AND MOUTH TO BE SPEAKABLE OF THE LORD'S...

Because we don't want to be held respectable for anything nowadays. We want all the glory and praise when we do good but don't want to fight doing the hard time when it build characters. But the whole time even tho you may feel like you did it, it's all God's glory because he did everything but it was just in your body. Your rented body why you are on earth. Cause in heaven you get another body your just have the same soul. And that soul is of God, which is wash from the blood of sins. So, don't worry about what people may say or may think. You are God's child and as long as he look down happy and smiling nobody else matter. So, help the helpless, encourage the heartless, and speak to the broken once. Leaving with this, BECAUSE GOD HAS A REWARD FOR YOU THAT'S WHY YOU DO THAT.

Because it seem the parents don't have time for the kids. Even tho it's a recession, that's not God's fault at all. We as people have mess up because God created the world and he made it perfect. He made it so we didn't have to worry about nothing but we messed it up. Parents have to get out and do things with their kids and don't let the media raise their kids. We have kids nowadays that's probably not even 5 or 6 that can't read but they know a whole song off BET. And why is that? Because nobody want to sit down and work with the kids. Knowledge them with things that's going to get them far in life and education, and educating them with street life and that getting money is the root of it all, which is wrong. The richer you could be the unhappy you could be. Happiness is not found in money or material things but how many hearts you can touch on earth and how much happier God is with us as his children. Let your kids know that God come first in anything and everything you do. All tho the material things look nice on earth, know when judgement day come all that count is your love for God and where your soul is set. Leave you with this MATERIAL THINGS AND MONEY ONLY LAST ON EARTH BUT YOUR HEART AND SOUL LAST IN HEAVEN FOREVER.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

My Favorite Artist

I first meet him June 2008, and was my first time even listening to his music but such song as Stay Saved, Love Song, What You Want, and Jesus caught my attention. He was the first that I heard to have a change in the music. I mean Kirk Franklin tried to change the music. But this brother name Canton Jones came out his way but there is absolutely nothing wrong with his song. The beats catch the young but his words catch everybody with a heart. He is smooth on the mic and talented on the stage. He has one of my favorite songs out LOVE SONG, which is my ringback tone. I have had so many people ask me who is that. It's gotten so good that my boy Damien Linson has him as his Ringtone. I couldn't help but laugh when I heard the ringtone. Canton Jones and the Cajo Family is making music and taking it to another level. So, keep working to keep artist like him on top of the charts. 

Follow him on Twitter at

Shout out to his son he had recent Kingdom Jones and his daughter Love Jones